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Choral music - sacred works

Choral music - secular works

Piano music

Chamber music

Please contact me at aurelien.hallopeau[at] for any question about my music.


Ensembles and musicians who premiered or performed my music:

- Ensemble vocal Evohé (dir. Fruzsina Szuromi) - Switzerland

- Professional ensemble L'Horizon chimérique (dir. Benoît Dubu) - Switzerland

- Ensemble vocal féminin Aziliz (dir. Judith Sepulchre) - Belgium

- Ensemble Diaphane (dir. Léonie Cachalin) - Switzerland

- Chœur du festival - FestyVocal (dir. Geneviève Dumas) - France

- Allmänna Sången (dir. Maria Goundorina) - Sweden

- Chorus Austin (dir. Ryan Heller) - USA

- Ensemble vocal de Poche - Switzerland

- Echo Vocal Ensemble (dir. Sarah Latto) - UK

- VeraVoce (dir. Magdalena Przemyk) - Poland

- Chœur Eurydice (dir. Damien Sardet) - France

- Ensemble vocal Stella Montis (dir. Frédéric Serrano) - France

- Coro Joven Cármina Nova (dir. Michele Paccagnella) - Spain

- Ensemble vocal Eufonia 21 (dir. Damien Sardet) - France

- Chœur Laudate Lausanne (dir. Céline Latour Monnier) - Switzerland

- The Swan Consort (dir. Anita Datta) - UK

The Choral Scholars of St Mary of the Angels, Bayswater (dir. Alastair Carey) - UK

Choir of Our Most Holy Redeemer (dir. Ian Gilbert Coleman) - UK

- Lisa Tannebaum, harpist 

- Valentine Dubus, mezzo-soprano

- Danaé Rapp, mezzo-soprano and Kaoruko Shima, piano

- Liene Dobičina , flutist and Rémi Guillard, pianist

- Katerina Trumpesova, oboist and Aoko Soga, pianist

And soon... 

- Metamorfoze Trio, two flutes and piano - Latvia

- Ensemble Kaleïvoxcope (dir. Geneviève Dumas) - France

- Ensemble vocal La Marelle (dir. Raphaël Terreaux) - France

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